Mengatasi Blok Atas Pembayaran Invoice Vendor

Mengaktifkan form pembayaran atas invoice dari vendor.

  • See the previous tutorial for processing invoice payments. If this notification appears, the invoice has the status “payment block”.
  • This status appears due to several reasons, one of which is that the goods have not been received at the warehouse.

Form awal, pengisian informasi umum.

note: no. 2 at the top is no.3

  1. Use TCode: FBL1N to activate this form.
  2. Select the vendor code that matches the invoice to be paid. Don’t forget to select your company code in SAP
  3. Click the icon as shown above to activate a list of invoice vendors that have been selected.

Melihat invoice yang terkena “payment block”.

  • Double click to display invoice details.

Proses untuk melepas status “Payment Block”.

  1. Click the pencil and google icon according to the image above to activate the edit mode.
  2. Click the icon next to the “Pmnt Block” column for the “Payment Block” option.
  3. Double click on “Free for payment”.

Proses pe-non aktifan “Payment block” berhasil dilakukan.

  • Details that have undergone the update process, the text color will change to blue, compared to before the update process for the status of “Payment Block”.

Melihat status invoice yang tadinya berstatus “Payment Block”.

  • Repeat Tcode: f-53 again by closing the form f-53 which is still subject to “Payment Block” status. Then continue the process of selecting the invoice to be paid.
  • It can be seen that the number 21,161.77 and others are already blue without any “Payment Block”.