Aktifkan form general ledger.
- TCode: fb50
- Or you can choose a menu like the above image.
Isi dengan data yang diperlukan
- Fill “Reference” for future document filter/sorting.
- Click the icon next to the yellow column to choose the account number. Sometimes “Tax code” and “Cost center” notifications will come up.
- Green light means debit and credit already equal.
Aktifasi menu “Complex Posting”
- Choose “Environment” from the main menu above and click “Complex posting”.
- Or you can use F6 to activate the “Complex posting” feature.
Mengisi nilai posting key (PstKy)
- The “PstKy” (Posting Key) value is mandatory for choosing vendor, customer, GL account, or fixed asset into debit or credit status.
- Click the icon next to the yellow box column to show “Posting Key” list exists.