Berikut merupakan rangkaian langkah dalam membuat sebuah vendor master data.
Mengaktifkan Form Vendor?Master Data
- You can type TCode: fk01
- Or you can choose/activating a menu as in the image above.
Halaman awal vendor master data
- Click the icon next to the yellow column to choose the vendor group category.
Memilih vendor group
- This stage only selects the vendor group. In this case, we will group the vendors based on the first letter. For example, PT Tilyanpristka will be categorized into the “KRT” group.
- KR is short for “Creditors”.
- T is the initial name of the vendor, Tilyanpristka. Double click to select.
Group Vendor Telah Dipilih
- Account group of vendor shown. Press the “Enter” button to continue.
Memasukan data alamat dan informasi umum dari vendor
- “Name” column is mandatory.
- “Search term 1/2” column is mandatory.
- “Country” column is mandatory.
- Click button as in above image (top section) to continue to the next step.
Vendor Master Data : Control
- The process of filling in data in the “Control” stage can be bypassed.
Vendor Master Data : Payment Transactions
- The process of filling in data in the “Payment transaction” stage can be bypassed.
Vendor Master Data : Accounting information?- 1
- “Recon. Account” is the standard account in the COA for the vendor we are creating. Click this icon to bring up a list of accounts.
Vendor Master Data : Accounting information?- 2
- Double click at the account to choose.
Vendor Master Data : Accounting information?- 3
- The account now already shows as “Recon. account” for PT. Tilyanpristka.
Vendor Master Data : Accounting Payment Term – 1
- Click button next to the yellow column to show “Payment Term” list.
Vendor Master Data : Accounting Payment Term – 2
- Select payment terms. Adjust the invoice received from the vendor.
Vendor Master Data : Payment transaction Accounting
- Activate “Chk double inv.” function.
Vendor Master Data : Correspondence Accounting
- By using the icon green arrow at the top, you can review your data to reconfirm any information about a vendor.
- Click “Yes” if finish the process of creating vendor master data.