Pembayaran Terhadap Invoice Dari Vendor

Langkah berikut adalah pembayaran atas invoice vendor yang telah dicatat sebelumnya.

Mengaktifkan form pembayaran atas invoice dari vendor.

  • You can type TCode: f-53 then by pressing “Enter.
  • Or by selecting and activating the menu as shown above.

Halaman awal.

  • Click the icon next to the yellow column to activate the vendor list.

Pemilihan/filterisasi nama vendor sesuai dengan invoice.

  1. Select the tab “Vendors by Country / CompanCode”
  2. Fill in the “Company Code” with your company code value.
  3. Click the green bold icon at the bottom.

Pemilihan vendor yang sesuai.

  • Double click on the vendor that will be selected.

Pengisian informasi umum lainnya.

  • The selected vendor code number will appear, then press the “Enter” key.

Pemilihan invoice yang akan dibayar.

  1. Click on the document number for the invoice to be paid.
  2. Click the icon if only 1 invoice will be processed, click the icon next to it to select multiple invoices at once.
  3. Click “Item” to activate the invoice to be selected.

Proses simulasi jurnal.

  • In the main menu above, select “Document” then select “Simulate” after the value in the “Not assigned” column is “0”.
  • The invoice description will turn blue after clicking the “Item” icon (to activate invoices / multiple invoices).
  • Value in “Not assigned” column must be “0”.

Proses posting setelah melakukan review jurnal yang dihasilkan.

  • After reviewing the resulting journal, crack the floppy disk icon to process the post.