Berikut merupakan langkah untuk mencatat invoice yang berasal dari vendor. Catatan untuk kasus ini adalah bahwa invoice yang dicatat bukan merupakan invoice barang persediaan (terkait HPP).
Menu untuk aktifasi form pencatatan vendor.
- You can type TCode: fb60 then press the “Enter” button.
- Or by selecting the menu according to the image above.
Halaman awal pencatatan vendor invoice.
- Click the icon next to the yellow column to select a vendor that matches what is written on the invoice to be recorded.
Halaman filterisasi vendor.
- Click the icon next to the yellow column to display the previously created vendor list.
Halaman pemilihan vendor.
- Double click to select the appropriate vendor.
Memasukan chart of account suatu akun.
- Click the icon next to the yellow column to bring up a list of chart of accounts (GL account)
Filterisasi chart of account (nomor akun)
- Select the tab “G / L account description in company code”.
- Fill in the company code in the “Company code”
- Click the icon next to the yellow column to display the COA list and select it, then press the “Enter” key (if the yellow column is filled in).
- Click the green thick mark icon when finished.
Langkah jika transaksi terkait VAT dan Cost Center
- check the check box “Calculate tax” if the transaction contains VAT.
- Fill in the “Tax Code” column with the Tax code (VAT, WHT, etc.).
- Fill in the “Cost center” column with the appropriate value for a cost.
Memasukan jumlah terhutang (total) dan proses simulasi.
- Enter the total amount owed to the vendor (status: credit)
- Fill with other journals.
- pay attention to the balance amount during the process no.2 must be “0” and the indicator must be “green”.
- Click the simulate icon, or press the “Document” menu and select “Simulate”. Or you can directly press the “F9” button on the keyboard to see the journal simulation.
Proses review jurnal dan posting.
- After that, click the floppy disk icon (Post); or press “Ctrl + S” on the keyboard to process the posting.
- Or if the transaction is related to VAT, the journal will be below the red line.